The Unfortunate Fate of Derrick Rose

I can’t even pretend to know how Chicago Bulls fans are feeling right now.  It’s a downright shame the way things went down.  After spending the better part of two seasons out with an ACL tear in his left knee, everyone in the league was excited as hell to see if Rose could return to MVP status in the NBA. Derrick Rose, in his last healthy season, was one of, if not the most dynamic players in the whole league.  Nobody wants to see a player go down with a serious injury, especially one that might have a negative impact on Rose’s career going forward.

In a cruel twist of fate, after spending so much time rehabbing his knee, Derrick Rose went down with a tear in his other knee that will likely shelf him for most of the 2013-2014 season.  There are two potential surgeries that he may undergo, but the common belief is that Rose and the Bulls will choose the more intensive option to ensure that Rose will be completely healthy moving forward.  The Bulls have invested a lot in Rose, so there is no reason to rush him back.  This is a huge disappointment for the Bulls faithful, but probably even more so for Rose.  The main issue is that knee injuries can be difficult to come back from; even when Rose is fully happened, he might lose some of the speed and explosiveness that made him such a deadly player to begin with.

Here’s hoping that Rose makes a speedy recovery and becomes the perennial all-star that he should be.Image

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