NBA Season Just Started…Which Team Should I Pick?

Nba map

A lot of people are really upset that the Summer is over and Fall has come around.  It’s getting colder and the long winter months lie ahead.  Personally, I’m looking forward to the Fall as I always do.  It’s actually one of the greatest times of the year because both of my favorite sports leagues, the NHL and NBA start up.  Well, to be honest, the NBA is a NEW favorite league – I’m still trying to figure out how everything works, what all the statistics mean, and who the best players and teams are.   In fact, I am currently in the process of trying to narrow down which team I should try to follow.  The main issue is that my home city doesn’t have an NBA team of its own, which makes the process a bit more difficult.  So I’m trying to figure it all out.  I can already rule out the big teams like the Miami Heat and OKC Thunder, since they already have more than enough fans.  I could follow one of the many young up-and-coming teams in the NBA, such as the Golden State Warriors or Detroit Pistons – or maybe a team that’s on the brink of becoming a contender, like the Houston Rockets? Or maybe I’ll pick the San Antonio Spurs…I think Manu Ginobli is really great for some reason!

Regardless of who I end up picking, I’m just going to use this season to try and get to know the sport as well as possible and make an educated decision at the end.  It seems to me that basketball is a really complex, exciting sport – the crowds are electric and the NBA has some of the coolest star players of any sport!

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